Monday 22 September 2014

Notes on Audience, cup devel. etc


Other students at the Market Palace + Lecturers

Target Market:
Uni students / coffee drinkers / needing caffeine hit at times when coffee shops aren’t open /

- Having a coffee outside of home but is inconvenient to carry coffee/tea, sugar, milk, hot water, mug

Following Consumer Macro trends:
- Needs to include sustainable/recyclable/reusable element/biodegradable

- Folding cup nets

Cup needs to conform to these standards in order to properly function

- Functioning Net
Folds easily, opens with enough space to hold liquid
Fast and mass producible

- Waterproof
Must remain leak free for at least 10 minutes

- Resist Heat
Needs to be able to be held with boiling water in it

- Sealable
So that the tea/coffee/milk powder/sugar does not leak throughout the bag

- Non toxic, Clean
Clean, chemical free, able to be easily consumed without cleaning or preparation first

Folding the cup- explore :
The folds in the material need to be scored in order to fold tidily.

Extra lines need to be scored to account for stress fracturing during the folding otherwise the cardboard splits and leaks.

The cover of the cup, which keeps it in folded shape and stops it from springing open, also doubles as a heat protector to stop your hands from being burnt, and secures the cups base which is wobbly after the folds.

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