Friday 3 October 2014

Pitch draft

The sky is dark. *hold up black sheet over judges*
The only light source you have is the harsh glare of your mac screen destroying what’s left of your retinas.
Its Friday morning. 4.37am to be exact, in hand in week. *put up clock with time*
Your eyes are seriously dry and your vision is blurred. *put glasses with vaseline on*
You’ve already had about twelve Red bulls and surpassed the dangerous consumption warning ages ago. You feel sick from the artificial flavours and preservatives, which have coated the lining of your stomach. *put pile of caffeine drinks on floor*
Your ‘To do’ list is bigger than the receipt from when your parents visited and took you grocery shopping. *give each of the judges a big pile of books*
You find yourself saying, “I don’t even care anymore, I just want to get it done” over and over again. 
You crave something to give you a glimmer of hope of actually passing.
But Tussock doesn’t open for at least another few hours and there’s no way in hell you’d last until then.
Then all of a sudden you remember, like a glorious message from God himself, the Brewed Awakening cup in your back pocket! *put Brewed Awakening packet in back pocket of judges*
Because of its compact shape, combined with your numb ass cheeks from the horribly shaped plastic chair you’ve been glued to, you didn’t notice it, and completely forgot it was there the whole time!
Thankfully, all you need is a hot water jug, and stumble your way to the kitchen in the vent gallery. Because the coffee, sugar and milk powder all come included inside the cup, all you need to do is add them together to make it just as average as you like. And because the envelope opens to a cup shape, you don’t need to scrub one of the tea and germ stained mugs in the sink. *take books off and invite judges to open and use cup*
Made from recyclable and biodegradable materials, it makes you feel better about the Scrumpy bottles and Nz lager cans in your bin at the flat.
By gazing upon the simple, but cleverly effective form of the design which is the compact coffee cup, you become re-inspired. All of the reasons why you came to Massey, come flooding back.
That essay seems easier. The workbook, more complete. You realise,
that probably all along,
all you needed was a Brewed Awakening

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